რეცენზია კრებულზე – "ლიტერატურული ჟანრები"

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ლევან გელაშვილი


The scientific letter presents a review of the book Literary Genres (volume one), which was prepared on the basis of the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Studies of the Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature and the Educational-Scientific Institute of Theoretical and Comparative Literary Studies of TSU and which covers works dedicated literary genres. Articles of all the authors are studied and discussed in detail in the letter.

The presented review book consists of two parts: the first part includes «epos and epic genres» and the second part covers «drama and dramatic genres». The book also includes a guide to classic literature; Don Quixote, the first modern novel - and one of the best! 2018 publication (author: Ana Puchao de Lesia Vicente Perez de Leon) translated from English by Irma Ratiani.

The evolution and changing characteristics of genres in culture, their restudying and rethinking of this entire heritage, its content and meaning analysis, are facing new challenges. This is the first collection that brings together works on the epos and great epic genres.

საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Literary Genres, classic literature, epos, great epic genres
გამოქვეყნებული: May 29, 2023

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