Sjani (Thoughts) Submission Guidelines and Citing Style Sjani (Thoughts) is an annual scientific journal of literary theory and comparative literature, published in Georgia. The journal includes important works covering actual themes and problems of contemporary literary studies, which have not been published yet.

Since 2011 Sjani is a member of e Central and Eastern European Online Library and has been uploaded on the web-site Since 2017 Sjani has been included in international databases – ERIH PLUS and EBSCO. The journal has an international editorial board. Articles are published in Georgian, English and Russian languages and are evaluated according to a blind peer-review process:

An article should be sent by E-mail (English materials –( and accompanied by:

Signed author declaration form

Title page, where authors name, surname, academic degree, position and contact coordinates should be indicated.

Annotation in Georgian and English Language (According to the size of article. Minimum 800 words and maximum 1500 words)

Key words (3-5 words)

List of approved bibliography in the end of the article on original language. Georgian and Russian resources should be transliterated. (Please, conform to standard transliteration system);

The text should be minimum 5 and maximum 15 printed papers;

An article should be formatted (A4) in the following way:

A. Title of the article (in the middle)

B. Key Words

C. Main text

D. Bibliography on original language (Georgian and Russian resources transliterated)

E. Annotation

F. Margins: top-bottom, left-right 25mm

G Font size: 11, Line spacing-1

The requirements (A, C and D) do not apply to the headings “Reviews” and “New Books”,

The Citing Style “Style of the Institute of Literature” which is based of Thomson’s catalogy. Requirements:

A) Citation is isolated from the main text by Quotation marks, (‘’ ‘’) at the end of citation, in brackets is written the index, indicating the name of the author of the citation on the original language, publication year, then colon and page number. For example: (Jennet 1998:37) see the Appendix 1.

B) In case of citing the stanza (not line) of the verse, the citation is isolated from the text and the font size is reduced (the text font size is -11, the citation font size is -10)

C) These requirements do not apply to the headings “Reviews” and “New Books”, where the font size is: • Main Text –10 • Notes– 9 6.

Bibliography list should be ordered according to the index, in alphabetical order. See the Appendix 2.

•   Wide explanations of the author of the article is numbered and placed at the end of the work.

•   Small notes are indicated with asterisk and explanation is made at the end of the page.

The article will be evaluated by anonymous experts. 

The author is responsible for the literary style and orthography of the work.

After evaluating submitted articles the board of editors will contact authors for further directions.

The article is returned to the author during a certain period (maximum 3 days) for proof-reading. If the author breaks dead line the board of editors preserve the right to ban its publication or publish a work.

Sample for citation, indication and bibliography

Appendix 1

Jennet’s task is to examine Proust’s artistic methods and to prove that “Metaphor and Metonymy are not incompatible antagonist. They strengthen and enhance each other, assessing the other does not mean to form some kind of metonymy list, (which will compete with metaphor) but to find out how they function in the boundaries of analogy. Therefore the role of metonymy in metaphor should be revealed” (Jenet 1998: 37). Why did Jennet chose Proust’s works for analyzes? The reason for this is that in Proust’s aesthetic theory, as well as in practice , metaphoric relations (based on analogy) play a vital role, important in such an extend that their meaning and role, in relation with other semantic relations is exaggerated.

Book, one authorChapter in a book or an essay from a collection

Weiss, Daniel A. Oedipus in Nottingham: D.H. Lawrence. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1962.   Johnston, Martin. „Games With Infinity. The Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges“. Cunning Exiles – Studies of Modern Prose Writers. Eds. Don Anderson and Stephen Knight. Sydney: 1974.  

Book, two or more authors

Houghton, Walter E., and G. Robert Strange. Victorian Poetry and Poetics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.  

Article in a scholarly journal; Article in a magazine or newspaper published monthly

Campbell, Jean. „Poetic Genealogy, Mythmaking and the Origins of Urban Nobility: Giovanni Boccaccio and Ambrogio Lorenzetti ”. Heliotropia 7, 1-2 (2010): 51-63.   MorozovaTatijanaSkelety iz Sosednego Pod’ezda: Pochemu Ljudmila Petrushevskaja tak ne Ljubit Svoikh GeroevLiteraturnaja Gazetacentjabrja 1998: 10 (Морозова, Татяна. „Скелеты из соседнего подъезда: Почему Людмила Петрушевская так не любит своих героев“. Литературная газета. 9 сентября 1998: 10).  

Book, no author given

New Life Options: The Working Women’s Resource Book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.  

Institution, association, or the like, as “author”

American Library Association. ALA Handbook of Organization and 1995/1996 Membership Directory. Chicago: American Library Association, 1995.  

Editor or compiler as “author”

Henderson, John. Ed. The World’s Religions. London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1950.  

Electronic document From Internet    

Mitchell, William J. City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. 29 September 1995. Web. 17 May 2011. http://www-mitpress. index.html; Internet.   Nevskaja, Dar’ja. „Problema Dialogichnosti „Sozdajushego“ i „Sozdannogo“ Tekstov (Graf Amori „Final. Okonchanie Proizvedenija “Yama” A. I. Kuprina)“. Literature, Folklore, Arts. Vol. 705. (2006): n.pag. Web. 15 May, 2011 (Невская, Дарья. „Проблема диалогичности «создающего» и «созданного» текстов (Граф Амори «Финал. Окончание произведения «Яма» А. И. Куприна»)“. LiteratureFolkloreArts. Vol. 705. (2006): n.pag. Web. 15 May, 2011).  

Encyclopedia, Dictionary

Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield: MA: G. & C. Merriam, 1961.  

Interview (unpublished) by writer of paper  

Morganis, Nancy D. Interview by Author. 16 July 1996, Fall River, MA. Tape recording.

Conference Proceedings

Choloq’ashvili, Rusudan. „Gamotsemebi K’omunist’uri Rezhimis Shesakheb Sakartveloshi“. T’ot’alit’arizmi da Lit’erat’uruli Disk’ursi. Meotse Sau’kunis Gamotsdileba.Tbilisi 7-9 okt’omberi, 2009. Tbilisi: lit’erat’uris inst’it’ut’is gamomtsemloba, 2010 (ColoyaSvili, rusudan. `gadmocemebi totalitaruli komunisturi rejimis Sesaxeb saqarTveloSi~. totalitarizmi da literaturuli diskursi. meoce saukunis gamocdileba. Tbilisi, 7-9 Ootomberi, 2009. irma ratiani. red. Tbilisi: literaturis institutis gamomcemloba, 2010).  

Thesis or dissertation

Bishop, Karen Lynn. Documenting Institutional Identity: Strategic Writing in the IUPUI Comprehensive Campaign. PhD. Diss. Purdue University, 2002. 


* Works published in the same year (separately or in co-authorship) or one and the same work (with continuations) in several volumes will be indicated in alphabetical order. For example: (Abashidze 1987a: 21). (Abashidze 1987b: 87).


The publication fee is 50 Euro. However, previously invited and selected authors are exempt from this charge. Additionally, active members of the Georgian Comparative Literature Association (GCLA) are eligible for a special offer.