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Medea Burduli


It‘s well known fact that Meskheti was one of the developed economical units of Georgia from the ancient time. It was rich with its natural conditions and developed agriculture. Our aim is to show the ethnological state of the modern village in Meskheti, to show the changes it has overcome what it has preserved and what it has lost. The building of the modern houses in the villages of Meskheti has started since 60s of XX c. A kindergarten, boarding school, library ,club, medical service centre, shops and many new modern houses have been built in the village. According to the Ethnological material, villagers are dissatisfied with the mistakes done in the period of the land privatization. They say that more lands were confiscated during the collectivization, than they were given during the privatization, which is not enough for intensive development of agriculture. The village fund which supports new households with enough land for building the house and farming is not preserved as well. One of the biggest problems in the Meskheti villages-(Zveli, Chobareti, Orgora, Sakudabeli, Khizabavra, Muskhi) is unemployment and migration of rural youth. From the villages we worked Orgora is the first in the list which may no longer exist in the near future, as the school is closed and all the families with children think to leave the village in order not to leave their children without education. The problem of migration from villages is a disaster for Georgia.

გამოქვეყნებული: Oct 9, 2015

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