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Irma Kurdadze


Involvement in democratic society that means teaching students how to use their rights and freedoms. For example, what are one’s own rights for accessing to information, for freethinking and freedom of expression.
It is also important that children are able to comply with the rules and follow the established constraints. They should be responsible to the well-being of others; they should have the knowledge in order to promote and protect democracy, supremacy of law and human’s rights.
Teaching democratic citizenship and human rights has cultural measurement. Teaching and studying culture should reflect the main message of teaching democratic citizenship and human rights.
It is essential to inform students about their rights on practical examples and to establish right attitude towards other people by discussing several pedagogical situations.
In the process of teaching children’s rights the following methods should be used:
- posing problem: when questions regarding information and knowledge gained by students are posed;
- involvement: such approach will encourage students to explain the concepts, analyze topics and implement activities in groups;
- analytical: when students are thinking and looking for responses to the questions, such as why this or that event happens and what is the cause of its occurrence;
- oriented on goal and action: which enables students to plan the actions connected to their goals.
It should be noted that realization of children’s rights in education is achievable by conducting appropriate awareness and by understanding the endeavors connected to cohabitation in a multicultural society. A teacher should analyze what kind of experience of relationship he/she owns with the group of people to which his/her students belong, and how to use this experience in teaching process.
We think that children’s rights should be taught by analyzing specific situations, giving some examples and looking for ways out.
It should be noted practical courses and assessment of situations should be used in teaching and understanding the forms of adolescents’ protection from violence in multicultural environment.

Rights and freedoms, democratic citizenship and teaching of human’s rights, cultural measurement, freethinking, freedom of expression
Published: Oct 9, 2016

Article Details

Education, pedagogics