Gulani <p>"Gulani" is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal featuring articles in the humanities and social sciences. The scientific directions of the journal are: Linguistics, Literary Studies, Onomastics, History, Ethnology, Education. The aim of the journal is to present international research in terms of new knowledge, theory and methodology both in the separate humanities and social sciences, as well as at the crossroads of their field. Gulan will publish a full-fledged (original) article, report, review, folklore and dialectological texts. The archive of the journal can be accessed on the following address: <a href=""></a></p> en-US Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 OJS 60 Toponym jgerilia // jgireliaand the Language of Christian Services and Early Middle Centuries in the West Georgia <p>In pre Christian and Christian period in East Black Sea , now days Abkhazia, on the reality of existence of Greece colonies and market, political, religion and business attitude between local population, language and especially the Greece Language had force on the local population speech. It is fact that first predictor Andrew the first and Simon from Canaan, in the west Georgia, in Egrisi and Abkhazia according A. Bakrdze, having the homily in Greece and at the same time they were trying to create written language on the base of local spoken language for the reason that to predict Christianity in local language was the priority for Christian ancestors.</p> <p>In the sources we base it is fact that IV-IX centuries in Colkheti which was under Byzantium, church service in parallel of Byzantium was in local Kolch (Zan) language. It is not surprising that local clique was using the Greece language as a language of communication with Greece people. So the existence of meaningful terms in church services confirm above mentioned fact.</p> <p>The confirmation of above mentioned fact is toponyms Jger ilia // jgerelia “saint Elia” as a geographical name of the valley and source in the village Sachikobave (Senaki municipality).</p> Igor Kekelia Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 The surnames common for Christian and Mohamedians Meskhetians <p>The historical environment conditioned cohabitation of the people bearing the same surnames but confessing the different religions. The difference was in the fact that Christians rcntinued living ounder their usual surnames and as for Mohamedains became bearers of particle “oghli-oghlu”. The policy of Turkey did not imply keeping old historical rules and traditions of the occupied people, neither keeping their old inherited surnames. Turks themselves did not have surnames, but only names till the 30-ies of the XX century. Part of the mahmadian meskhs kept for themselves their origin and never forgot about it but another part denied their Georgian roots.</p> <p>Besides to the statistical papers and historical researches, the so called “folk historiography” also kept some information about the so called “ex-Georgians”; people knew that once all meskhetians – Christians and Muslims – were Georgians by nationality and were Christians. From fN. Vachnadze’ book we learn that the inhabitants of Khertvisi confirmed that Christian or Mahmadian, all were Meskhetians taking their roots, their surnames from the same ancestors.&nbsp; Many people remembered the historical events after which the part of Meskhetians became Muslims and lost their Georgian surnames. The names of divided people still are remembered in Aspindza municipality villages:<strong>iaGmurieni, yadieni, yukieni, bozvieni(,bozo),molieni (&lt;mola), reSidieni, yianurieni - </strong><strong>iaghmurieni, chadieni, chukieni, bozvieni(,bozo), molieni (&lt;mola), reshidieni, chianurieni – </strong>these names remainesd alive due to the toponyms – <strong>reSidienT Kana – </strong><strong>“ field of Reshidieni </strong>and others.</p> <p>The surnames which Christian and Mahmadian Georgians have in common are evidenced in our time as well in Aspindza municipality (with exception of <strong>Devrishovs</strong>, who changed their surname in this century taking the name of Pope as their surname became <strong>Tevdorashvili</strong>). These surnames are: <strong>B</strong><strong>eridze, Gvirdgishvili, Zazadze, Lekishvili, Meliqidze, Nadiradze, Tsitlanadze and Djvaridze.</strong></p> Natela Melikidze Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Noun Inflection in Armenian Language and Its Scientific Assessment <p>There exists different viewpoints on inflection system of modern Armenian language in scientific literature. Palasyan, the founder of the new Armenian language grammar (Ashkharabar), distinguished seven inflections: Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, Dative, Initial, Instrumental, Locative.&nbsp; Abeghyan distinguished 5 inflections in his grammar book: Nominative, Dative, Initial, Instrumental, Locative [Palasyan, 1894]. Abeghyan explained this by the fact that the Accusative case does not have its own markers, it uses either the markers of Nominative or Accusative case and therefore this inflection should be considered in syntax and not in morphology. Based on morphological principles, Abeghyan did not consider Dative and Genitive as independent inflections, he combined these two cases and made them into one (Dative-Genitive) [Abeghyan, 1906]. He called this case Genitive-Dative inflection.</p> <p>The system of inflection proposed by Abeghyan was not accepted by some&nbsp; scientists (A. Gharibyan, G. Sevak). They believed that Accusative and Genitive are independent inflections, and like traditional grammar there are seven cases in modern Armenian too, [Sevak, 1955: 356].</p> Zhana Khachaturyan Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 The Issues of Inflection Form Correspondence in Georgian and Armenian Languages <p>Studies on Caucasian languages in modern scientific research have discovered one more trend (for many times in recent history). The traditional viewpoint on relatedness in both languages of autochthronouth society living in Caucasus and regarding the genetic difference between the rest of the languages ​​having Indo-European origin, which can be best expressed by the term "Ibero-Caucasian"</p> <p>has changed. "A new type of explanation shows&nbsp; the proximity of the languages with typological similarity​​(any of them) in the Caucasus. In both of these versions, Armenian and Georgian were typologically similar languages, and despite the long historical coexistence, their similarity is really based not on relatedness, but on co-neighborhood, which is no less important than relation. Since there are typological similarities the issues in teaching these two languages should be overcome by taking into account Georgian and Armenian language proximity, the practical discovery of similarities and differences as well as typological grammar differences. Thus, specialists should remember the history of inflection systems formation of both languages and only then think of problems that arise when these two languages ​​correspond.</p> Zhana Khachaturyan Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 „Council of Florence“ –for text publication <p>The Council of Florence is one of the most important events of the Middle Ages, which went beyond the relations between the two churches, West and East, Vatican and Constantinople, that decided not only the fate of Constantinople, but also wrote the history of later centuries and epochs, changed the geopolitical situation, the political subjects on the world map, created a new reality.This reality was dramatically reflected on Georgia. A few decades after the fall of Constantinople, Georgia was divided into five kingdoms.It was indeed an internal systemic problem, but the current global change has also had a negative impact on such a result.</p> <p>Georgia, as part of the world, the Gulf of Christians in the Muslim world, actively participated in the congregation. The country had its distinct position.As it is known, the Georgian representatives were not in favor of political union and their signature on this act was not recorded. Unfortunately, there is very little information in the Georgian written sources about the Council of Florence.The work "Council of Florence" is a translated monument, which describes the reason, sequence and result of the congregation.It is true that nothing is said there about the Georgian representation of the council, but as a source reflecting this historical event, it is quite important from a source-scientific point of view.</p> Nino Megeneishvili Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Review on the monograph: Turkish-Moslem Architectural Monuments in Akhaltsikhe <p>Our article is review of published monography “Turkish-Moslem Architectural Monuments in Akhaltsikhe”. From the specific of monograph, it was reviewed and valued under resources from historical materials and references. In the review we are talking about the meaning of the result for Georgian historiography. There is given some recommendations according the existing experience and on the base of common research work.</p> Roin Kavrelishvili Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 “farewell” in AleksandreKazbegi’s Poetry <p>Problems raised in Aleksandre Kazbegi’s Poetry are the part of every day life of human being. His creative work is confirmation of the fact that the word in authors work comes from deep psychological and emotional feelings for the reason that humans’ pains covered under the name of the religion belongs to every day life and covered deep in personality and felt as problem.</p> <p>Laeksandre Kazbegi in his creative works trying to show us characters of epoch, fiction as a specification of understanding the world, all of them need deep explanation. Aleksandre Kazbegi, as author, known not only his epos but also with his poetry and to look through his poetry make clear the fact that true idea _ in poetry we met pains based on epoch and spiritual pain of the author itself. His painful feeling directed to the nation, the God, native country and symbolically given with tears, moaning and pain.</p> <p>In his wisdom we met all those problems which is running along our life just to solve during transient world and to join to the eternal life. In his poetry to many of spiritual pains, moaning and pain comes from human life process, for the mortal life, coming from the several wounds, coming form the love. Death is the balsam from painful life. All those problems looks like one common and general one. Emotional feeling and nature of characters are linked. All of the make system of thinking and the poetry in our research work are given not separately but as a one common thing.</p> <p>On the bas of several poetries there is given true, health idea of the author through which he lived and enter eternal life and all of this made his creative work valuable and sustainable.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Key words:</strong> Alkesandre Kazbegi, ‘farewell”, fate, pain, grave.</p> Dali Betkhoshvili Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 The face of Shamil in Akaki Gatserelia's prose <p>Remarkable writer of the 20<sup>th</sup> century Akaki Gatserelia`s artistic work takes up a lot of space to show the face of Shamil , the face of a proud son of the mountain.</p> <p>In general ,in the works of Georgian writers,&nbsp; the face of Shamil appears to be a paradigm of disobedience and a hero&nbsp; fighting for freedom. Akaki Gatserelia`s historical novels are created with this attitude.</p> <p>The article contains artistic analysis of Akaki Gatserelia`s novels such as “One Day of the Imam”, “Imam in the lodge”, and “Bosco`s apprentice” .</p> <p>The author`s goal &nbsp;is to show the face of the hero Shamilstruggling for freedom on the one hand, and on the other hand to urge contemporaries to fight for freedom.</p> Makvala Davitadze Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Euthymios the Hagiorite in The Greek Eortologion <p>The paper&nbsp; deals with a Greek manuscript kept in the National Center of Manuscripts Liturgical Rite, wich includes Hymnographic Canons dedicated to Euthymios the Hagiorite (gr. 24) which in 1849, during his visit to Mount Athos, Platon Ioseliani had copied and brought to Georgia. The canon contains the full repertoire of vespers and matins with kontakions and two matins. The same canon includes liturgical texts from the Old Testament (the <em>Wisdom of Solomon</em>). The second out of two canons is complete with eight odes. In the second canon, each ode incorporates several troparions, some of which are not part of the acrostic. The author of the acrostic troparions, identified in the title as Manuel the Great Church rhetor. According to the Greek sources, Manuel was the 15<sup>th</sup>- 16<sup>th</sup> cc figure of great authority, famous hymnographer, <em>chartophylax</em> of the Patriarchy of Constantinople and a teacher of a theological school.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Platon Ioseliani points out that these hymns have been copied from the Greek festal calendars. The hymnographic canon dedicated to Euthymios the Hagiorite contains interesting Contains interesting poetic tropes, epithets, metaphors. In each stanza of eight odes, Euthymios is praised as a true monk, a model of asceticism, as the translator of the Holy Scripture into Georgian and the new John Chrysostom.&nbsp;</p> <p>There exists a 18<sup>th</sup> century Greek edition of the <em>Life of John and Euthymios</em>. There were no other Greek texts known concerning Euthymios. With the discovery of the hymn in question, a hymn attributed to Manuel the Rhetor, an author of 15<sup>th</sup>-16<sup>th</sup> cc., was identified. The hymnographic text reveals Euthymios’ ascetic life and the significance of his work for the history of the Georgian literature. In our view, the hymn is based on the knowledge transmitted through oral tradition on the work of Euthymios. The information is scarce, and only Euthymios’ monastic activity is accentuated. Based on the above hymn, we can judge that despite the reduction of the number of Georgian monks in Iveron, the name of Euthynios the Hagiorite was still mentioned with special honor.</p> <p>It is interesting to observe what led to the creation of a Hymnographic canon dedicated to Euthymios by Manuel the Rhetor in the 16<sup>th</sup> century. It is known that at that time, Georgian monasteries abroad were assisted by Samtskhe Atabags Kvarkvare II (1451-1498) and Mzechabuki (1500-1515). Regarding the merits of the Atabags, I will quote one Greek text created in the 16<sup>th</sup> century, published by the Greek historian Spiridon Lamprosi in 1909. This text contains the miracles of the icon of theThotikos of Atskuri and it is written by Manuel the Rhetor. Attached at the end of the text is a praise for Kaikhosro Atabagi and his brother, Mzechabuk, and for their work. This text with the Russian translation was published by the Hrach Bartikian. Both the publisher of the Greek text and Bartikian focus on the relationship of the Samtskhe Atabags with the Greeks in the post-Byzantine era.</p> <p>From this text it may be assumed that Manuel the Rhetor was personally acquainted with the Samtskhe Atabags, since the <em>chartophylax</em> and Rhetor of the Patriarchate of Constantinople often visited&nbsp; Iveron Monastery, as noted by G. Papadopoulos.</p> <p>Numerous testaments of manuscripts created in the Samtskhe scriptorium in the XV-XVI centuries contain information about the donation made by the Atabags to the Iveron Monastery in Athos. The existence of such an intense relationship between the Atabags of Samtskhe and Iveron, as well as the ‘narrative’ created by Manuel the Rhetor, suggest that the hymnographic law dedicated to Euthymios the Athonite was written by Manuel the Rhetor at the behest of the Athabags. This text was later included in the Greek <em>Eortologion</em>, and it is no coincidence that the earliest manuscript of this hymn appeared in the collection of Iveron. It is probable that the Atabags of Samtskhe, in addition to rebuilding Iveron, were also thinking of reviving the name of its founder.</p> <p>Thus, in Gr 24 the Hymnographic canon dedicated to Euthymios, written by Manuel the Rhetor is the sole early Greek text, This hymnographic canon is involved in the liturgy on May 13<sup>th</sup>, the day of Iveron Monastery’s founder’s commemoration since its creation to this day.</p> Eka Dughashvili Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Structural and Thematic Differences of Manuscripts Repositories and Peculiarities of Funds Protection <p>In the National Center of Manuscripts the funds are preserved in four repositories: repository of Georgian manuscripts, repository of historical documents and manuscripts in foreign languages, repository of personal archive funds of public figures and repository of photo-microfilms. Each of them is distinguished by thematic and structural diversity and differencies in their conservation, which is caused by the variety of texture of the protected funds.</p> <p>Knowledge of all technical parameters and arrangement of funds is of great importance for preservation of sources. According to what texture is used for the manuscripts: papyrus, parchment, paper, what its form is: the manuscript book or a scroll, a photo or a microfilm,&nbsp; is demanded special temperature, lighting, arrangement, selection of material for shelves and cases for preservation, observance of distance at international standards between the manuscripts and shelves, also between the shelves and the floor. For conservation of manuscripts it is necessary to take into consideration temperature, humidity, trajectory of manuscripts bent, regime of lighting at internationally accepted standards duing the exchibitions.</p> <p>Many year long observation and rich expeience in the restoration laboratory of the National Center of Manuscripts and also the tradition estanblished in different archive funds worldwide has shown that it is desirable the manuscripts on paper, parchment, papyrus should be kept in separate blocks, photomaterial and microfilms should be arranged in separate blocks too. Each repository should have the so-called buffer zone and a separate room for work on damafed manuscripts. It is also desirable to observe specific arrangement between repositories and the reading hall because the difference in humidity and temperature in repository, corridor and reading hall should not cause structural change of the manuscripts.</p> Nino Megeneishvili, Shorena Tavadze Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 X-XIX Centuries Sources About Athonite’s Georgian Monastery <p>Regarding the establishment and public figures of Athonite monastery there are rich and interesting sources in Georgian, Greece and other languages. There too many hagiographical, hymnographical, historical writings, inscriptions, icons, documents.</p> <ol> <li class="show">The first manuscript is so called Athoni’s collection manuscript Ath.558, which is the combination of different stories from different genres and was considered as a memorable book. The books this collection consists are: „memory“ created in the Athonite monastery, author Basili from Bagrat Mtatsmindeli- Athonite (K. Kekelidze, E. Metreveli, E. Gabidzashvili). In the hymns from Basili, which is dedicated to Saint Ioan and Epthvime from Athon, hagiographical works of Saint Giorgi Mtatsmindeli- Athonite, which must be mentioned separately for the resason that this story tell details about the establishment of the Athoni‘s Georgian monastery and the tell about the aim of the monastery.</li> <li class="show">The second one is the hagiographical work of Saint Giorgi Mtatsmindeli- Athonite (1009-1065) „life of Ioan and Ephtvime and valuable life of them said by the beggar Giorgi Khutsesmonazoni“ which was written 1042-1044 years.</li> <li class="show">Hagiographical writing „life and citizenship saint Giorgi Mtatsmindeli“ which was written in 1066-1068 years by Giorgi Mtsire and was ordered by Ioan Tchkondideli. We have to mention hymns by Saint Giorgi Shekenbuli which were written after Giorgi Mtsire’s stories and were dedicated to the Saint Giorgi Mtatsmindeli- Athonite.</li> <li class="show">According the Georgian sources about the establishment of Ivironi and about the Georgian monasteries there are sources from XVIII century’s first half period, this is the story written in Greece about the activities of Saint Ioane, Ephtvime and Giorgi. These two manuscripts of this story we have from the second half of XVIII century. This story was translated, summarized with comments by Manana Machkhaneli (Machkhaneli, 1982).</li> <li class="show">Important sources about the history of Iveria’s monastery we have in the “Memorable book from Athoni” in which from the X century (from 985 years) until XVII century there are kept 167 memorable stories.</li> <li class="show">We have to mention manuscripts kept in Georgian and Greece languages in Athon, historicaally valuable documents keeping important information about the life and value, condition and incomes of the monks living in the monastery.</li> <li class="show">To restore the history of the Ivironi monastery the main importing source kept in archives of the monastery, within them there are documents of Emperors: Konstantine VII (946 and 957/8), Romanoz II (960), Basili II (979/980), Imperors from XI century, patriarches, holy fathers from Bizantium and other documents. Most of abovementioned documents are in original language and htey have great value. In Paris it was published four valumes of the Ivironi’s materials which has great scientific value. It was added special essayoutline prepared by Jak Lefore. In 2008 in Tbilisi it was published Georgian version of this book (Ivironi materials in four volume, 2008) .</li> <li class="show">About the X-XI and more ancient history of Ivironi monastery materials kept in another monasteries from Athoni. For example: materials dedicated to Saint Atanase Mtatsmindeli, in some Georgian and byzantium, in the „life of Kartli“, in historical wirting of Giorgi Kedrene, in „chronology“ by Ioane Skilitsa.</li> <li class="show">All monks have to know the story about „Iverioni’s beauty Monastery“ (1151-1674) chronics which was translated and filled in XVIII century. It consist four main parts: the author of the first part is someone Monk Teodos, K. Kekelidze thinks that monk can be Georgian. In the story about Teodos the facts about the Ivironi monastery kept of 1259-1264 years. In the second part of the story is written by Ieremia from Greece, this author describes facts of 1592-1626 years. The author of third part also from Greece, and gives details of 1659-1674 years. At the end of XIX century „chronics“ were published by Greece author Gedeon, in 1947-1955 years by K. Kekelidze was published the list of Ivironi public figures which was collected on the base of the abovementioned “chronic” ( Kekelidze).</li> <li class="show">Some other travelling genres from XVIII-XIX centuries by Grigorovich-Barski, Timote Gabashvili, Iona Gedevanishvili and others. Separately must be mentioned works by Uspenski, which was written 1845 when he was in Ivironi (Uspenski). At the end of XIX century in Athons travelled Petre Kontchoshvili, his working consists important references (Kontchoshvili).</li> </ol> <p>Abovementioned stories have main value not only for Athonite monastery but also for the history of other nation’s monastery life. For the history of Georgian and Byzantium political, literary collaboration, for the history of monastery life of Georgian and Byzantium, for the history Iveroni especailly for the early period life.</p> Nestan Sulava Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 For the Transformation of Symbol of the Cross and the Light According the Hymns of Transfiguration and Elevation of the Cross <p>Brief overview: all hymns dedicated to the Lord based on the Bible, especially on the Old Testament episodes and characters are the main resources of them. In spite the fact that those hymns have the same plot and the same base there are mostly very individual, they have individual form and the most important thing that they have the richest theological information which demands from the author knowledge based on the theological aspects and also creative nature. All symbols have meaningful explanation and help the reader to understand innovation feeling of theological events. The work of the authors of hymns considered as the continuing the work of prophet.</p> <p>The light is not the only leading symbol in theology but it is also collection of the symbols and gave us the key to understand other symbols according them. The cross is the most holy thing in Christianity and it has too many preforms in old testament. Holy fathers indicating on the special spiritual meaning of the cross.</p> <p>The most examples of transformation of the symbols of the cross and light we met in the hymns about these holy things.</p> Ia Ghadua Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 SOME OF THE CURRENT CHANGES IN THE SCHOOL EDUCATION <p>Still in the process the implementation the second generation of the national curriculum, project-based learning is widespread in secondary schools, which significantly increased the involvement of students in the learning process, contributed to the development of their high thinking skills (analysis, evaluation, synthesis) and the development of the&nbsp; twenty-first century skills such as: 1) Learning and invention, 2) Information, media and technology and 3) Life and career skills.</p> <p>At the same time, in cooperation with Samtskhe-Javakheti schools, it turned out to us that students of the mentioned schools, did not have proper information on regional issues, for example, students basic&nbsp; level of schools did not properly master the issue of Javakheti Protected Areas , at that time, according to the second generation of the national curriculum, the issue of protected areas was taught in a sixth grade science subject. We decided to implement educational project with the students of sixth grade at the subject science on the topic: Javakheti Protected Areas, specifically, at the issues of conservation measures for the flora and fauna of Javakheti.</p> <p>The implementation of the project was also driven by the desire of students to&nbsp; study better&nbsp; protected areas in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region; We also took into account the fact that theme about Javakheti Protected Areas in textbooks was not fully presented and discussed.</p> <p>Importantly, the educational project was related to the real life. At the stage evaluation, the project was positively assessed by teachers, students and their parents and they expressed a desire to hold similar events in the future.</p> <p>Next, in the 2018-2019 academic year, when the third generation of the national curriculum (2018-2024) was launched at the primary school level, we decided to carry out study activities on protected area issues again with sixth graders. Learning activities were selected according to the annual program of the nature study.</p> <p>Considering the content of the program and the recommended activities defined directions and achievable results. The students happily completed the complex assignments developed in accordance with the third generation of the national curriculum. They wrote essays, compiled projects, attempted to plan outschool activities.</p> <p>At the summary meeting students, teachers and parents of students analyzed completed&nbsp; work and&nbsp; assessed it positively. The parents liked the process of working on the complex assignments and they noted that a creative approach to a complex assignment allows all students to do work.</p> <p>At the summarizing stage it was also mentioned that&nbsp; previous academic years, in the process of&nbsp; the educational projects &nbsp;began after learning the theoretical part, at the stage of&nbsp; the current &nbsp;changes at the school education, in this case, according to the third generation of.the national curriculum when performing the complex assignments&nbsp; of the work begins at the beginning of the&nbsp; learning, for example, the execution of a project and the students associate the topic of the unit with a specific project in the learning process.</p> <p>Such work motivates students to learn, increases their interest in the subject and prepares them for life. In addition, the parents of the students realized their role in the educational process and expressed a desire to actively participate in this process.</p> Marekh Natenadze, Teimuraz Gvaramadze Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Dynamic of the Socio – economical Changes in Georgian Village (According the Ethnographical Materials from Samtskhe-Javakheti) <p>Brief overview: the article is dedicated to the changes and problems raise in XX centuries villages in Samtskhe Javakheti. In Georgia the fundamental changes of forms of property as a base of socio-economical development – had great impact on human labor, social, cultural, economic, psycho -social communication (in XX century form of the property has been changed twice: in 20<sup>th</sup> private property and labor market communication has been changed by the state property and planned economy and at the end of the century the processes were changed vice versa).</p> <p>In the article there is given the results we faced at 30<sup>th</sup> years of the previous century when the collective form of agriculture and violence against population damage the processes. At the end of the century agrarian reforms, the results given in the analyses, which was done without any preparation.</p> <p>For Georgia, as it is the agrarian country, it is important how much developed agrarian country we would have. Georgian villages were highly damaged with cheap import products from villages and developed country status.</p> <p>On the base of ethnographical materials, we try to identify the amin reasons why the developed countries agriculture was damaged in Meskheti and on the based of this research we pay attention how the social projects support population and their attitude the projects, we tried to study migration processes from the villages.</p> <p>Collected ethnographical materials gave the information and the fact that the reform and management style instead of benefit destroyed the policy of development. The economical level of the people in village getting low and lowest and infrastructure was destroying. Raise unemployment and demography was the main problem.</p> <p>We have to pay attention to the opinion of the population from these villages and the opinion they share with us how to solve the problem: they think that the rule of social packages already settled I the villages must be change immediately because it is the one reason of destroying agriculture. They think to find alternative ways of agriculture development in the villages.</p> <p>The main part of the village in Samtskhe-Javakheti are upper part ones and in spite of the fact, in the article we discuss the traditional “mountain legislation” rule for development od demographical problems and social packages are more effective.&nbsp;</p> Mediko Burduli Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Meskhetian househeld item Peshkhumi <p>In most region of Georgia (Samtskhe-Javakheti, Tao-Klarjeti, Shavsheti, Kola-Artaani, Adjara) the family breakfast, lunch and supper were served in ordinary round table, which is called now days like Peshkhumi.</p> <p>It was made by one wooden peace, rarely it was made from one board which had two cross formed legs with 30 cm high.</p> <p>The name Peshkhumi is used in the Christian churches valuable metal round dish having ritual meaning. In Georgian “Peshkhumi _ low round plate used during servicing together with cruet. On the Peshkhumi the sacrifice holy bread is situated. Peshkhumi symbolize the place where saint Maria invited the Christ after giving him a birth and also symbolize the cemetery of the Christ”.</p> <p>According scientific view, round ritual plate called Peshkhumi connected to the astral being worship (The Sun and The Moon) period. As we think the round form of the sacral plate is connected to the character of the having bread together, it was symbolizing the local circle between parties which means the close relation and equality.</p> <p>It is still un known how the origin is the Peshkumi comes, from household item or vice versa.</p> Tina Ivelashvili Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Peculiarities of translating scientific texts <p>The article is devoted to the actual topic of translation of scientific texts. The paper lists the main requirements that a competent translation of such specific texts must meet - consistency, argumentation, equivalence and adequacy. Knowledge of special vocabulary and terminology, abbreviations and abbreviations contributes to the accuracy and clarity of translating the text into the target language. For the correct and complete translation of scientific texts, an accurate transfer of the original text is necessary, as well as strict clarity of the meaning in the most concise and laconic form inherent in the style of scientific literature.</p> Irina Jishkariani, Mariana Balasanyani Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400 Peculiarities of translating of texsts of the official business style <p>The article is dedicated to current issues of translation of official-business texts. The paper sets out the basic requirements that must be met by competent translation of these specific texts, which contributes to the accuracy of the translation of the text into the target language. For the correct and complete translation of official-business texts, it is necessary to convey the original text as well as the meaning accurately.</p> Irina Jishkariani, Mariana Balasanyani Copyright (c) 2022 Gulani Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0400