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Maka Murvanidze


The article deals with the studying of enriching modern English language vocabulary with new lexical units, determining the stability and urgency of neologismsms established in the language.

It also analyses the features of textual speech in Georgian cyber space through a computer, which is usually done in the English language. We tried to study the features of Georgian teenagers’ speech and did the research about this issue. The research done by us detected the spontaneity of Georgian teenager “netizens” speech. It also showed that they widely use English abbreviations and acronyms in their everyday speech, which are changed according to the morphology of the Georgian language.
One of the most interesting and usable signs in Cyber space are “smiles”. Internet English that increased the English vocabulary filled not only the dictionaries , but also produced some strange signs, which are usually used to express emotions. Some scholars call these signs emoticons. They are used just because in the virtual world of Internet communication mostly is performed through words, in which we cannot express our facial expressions or gestures. Therefore, people use punctuations, combinations of letters and signs to express emotions.. Each sign is fresh and vivid.
The research done by me is a clear evidence that the Cyber language is going to change the English language fundamentally.

Cyber language, internet communication, emoticons, e-mail, net, chat, virtual world
Published: Oct 9, 2016

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